Saturday, August 22, 2009

BLAST Marketing Tip # 1: Know Your Target Market

Nothing is more important than knowing your target market. By knowing your target market you are able to drill down and offer solutions specific for their demands. The more you can drill down and create a niche, the more successful your marketing messages. For example, if you say your target market is women, you are not drilling down specifically enough, but if you say my target market is women who operate a small business out of their home, you are more targeted. You can even go down one layer further – women who operate a small coaching business out of their home. The more specific you can get, the better.

Knowing your target market allows you to have a laser focus on your customer and provides you an opportunity to sell directly to them rather than to large groups. Imagine searching for one exact fish in a very large pond and all you have is one “hook” to reel that fish in. Now next to your hook are thousands of other hooks that your competition has casted into the same pond. If you don’t know what will make that one fish bite on your hook, you will be landing your fish by luck rather than by skill. Most certainly over a longer period of time. Being able to develop your marketing “hook”, specific to your fish will require you to know exactly who you customer or fish is and entice them to buy from you.

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